Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my new blog "Monday Nights..." The title of course comes from my books, Monday Nights in Zarahemla, and Monday Nights in Nauvoo.

My plan for this blog is to use it as a way to post tips, ideas, suggestions and questions, regarding Family Home Evening and Family Scripture Study.

Each week I plan to post at least one tip or suggestion. But I would also like you, the readers, to write in and ask me questions that I, and others can answer. This is an easy way to share our thoughts and experiences.

If you struggle with FHE or FSS, then I hope we can help motivate you and give you some good, realistic suggestions.

And if you don't struggle, then please, share with us your thoughts and ideas! Let's help each other.

For those of you unfamiliar with blogs (like I am), if you want to send in a question or a suggestion, please email them to me at and I will post them here.

If you want to comment on a post, just click on the comment link under the post and write your comment. If you have any questions, just email me and I'll be happy to help you (and help myself by learning with you).

So send me your questions, ideas, suggestions, and let's go!


autumn said...

Woot! Woot! I love your blog and think you have a terrific idea with the FHE ideas. I will check it faithfully and will use your ideas for when I start actually having FHE, which will be any day now...I swear. I also love your new website. You've sure been busy.

Desiree said...

Congrats on the second book coming. I am excited!

Jana said...

Congrats on the blog, website and book. I will definitely check here often. Thanks for letting me know about it.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I look forward to reading more.