Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Easy Family Night Lesson

Here's a cute idea sent in by a reader. I love it! It's simple, easy, and effective...my kind of family night.

I like spending a whole FHE on teaching a primary song to my kids. I feel it's a good investment since songs stay with us far longer than words do. Here's a good way to sing a song over and over again without it getting laborious: Each time you sing a verse of "I want to Live the Gospel" (Children's Songbook 148) or any other song, allow a member of the family to choose how everyone will keep the beat. The motion could be tapping your head, patting your lap, spinning your arms, etc. as long as it can be done to the beat. After several turns, we focus on one important word or phrase such as the phrase "to know I am heard when I pray." I ask my kids, how can we know our prayers are heard? One obvious answer is to live the gospel since that's the name of the song. We allow a few comments and then continue our singing game!

1 comment:

The Mike and Heather Thomas Family said...

We did this on Monday for FHE with Search, Ponder and Pray. It went great! Ben loved it and it opened things up for a great discussion on the importance of Scripture Study.