Sunday, August 24, 2008

Family Scripture Study Tips

"Scripture Strips" are a fun way to choose what to read for family scripture study. In a small box or jar place strips of paper containing the names and verses of stories and/or topics you want your family to study (If you are reading from the picture books just write down the title of the stories). Each time you gather for FSS choose someone to draw a paper from the jar. You'll be surprised at how such a simple thing can make a difference in your children's desire to read the scriptures. My children get very excited about gathering for FSS and say it makes scripture study more fun!

Another fun idea that my children created, was to make a "pulpit" (out of a chair and a stool) and place it in the center of the room. Whenever it is someone's turn to read, they stand at the pulpit to read and ask the rest of the family questions about the verses. What child doesn't enjoy being the center of attention and in charge? I often find my kids talking more seriously when at the "pulpit" and a few times they have made comments or said things in a way that reminds me of their primary leaders....I have to chuckle when that happens...I guess they're paying closer attention than I thought !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful idea. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm going to pass it on to my family and friends.

By the way, have you discovered the new and safe website for LDS women yet? The Ladies Room. It's at

I have a group on there that discusses home evenings. It might be a great place for you to join and let people know about your books and blog.

Also, hope you received my message re the home evening book I'm compiling. I'd really love to include you in that. If you didn't get that, please let me know and I'll re-send.